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[18p-P09-41]Investigation of Spin-Coating Conditions for Perovskite Layer Preparation on ITO-PET Films Patterned by 355 nm Laser Marker

〇Nao Saito1, Tomoyuki Tobe1,3, Masashi Ikegami1, Tsutomu Miyasaka2,4, Yoshihiko Suda4 (1.Graduate School of Engineering, Toin Univ., 2.Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Toin Univ., 3.KISTEC, 4.Peccell Technologies, Inc.)
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Spin coating method,ITO-PET,Patterning

For practical testing of barrier films in perovskite solar cells and demonstration of small-scale devices, our laboratory is primarily advancing fabrication of approximately 7 x 7 cm2, 6-series devices using inkjet and spin-coating methods. When utilizing the spin-coating method with the standard anti-solvent technique for perovskite layer coating, we observed significant effects on film formation on patterned ITO-coated substrates, particularly in areas where the ITO patterning was removed. These effects are attributed to variations in the wettability between the ITO surface and the ITO-removed surface, which were treated with UV ozone treatment.
To increase the aperture ratio by narrowing the width of the ITO removal, patterning was performed using a 355 nm laser marker. We conducted patterning on ITO-PET films with sheet resistance below 15 Ω and on ITO-PET films with a TiO2 buffer layer (~7 nm thick) using the 355 nm laser marker. Around the removal lines of ITO-PET films with the TiO2 buffer layer, surface irregularities reached up to 3 µm, compared to the 300 nm depth of ITO removal. This highlights the significant impact of TiO2 buffer layer absorption.


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