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[19a-A31-11]Synthesis of graphitic intercalation compounds LnC6 (Ln = Sm, Eu, Yb) by the Na-catalyzed method

〇Akira Iyo1, Hiroshi Fujihisa1, Yoshito Gotoh1, Shigeyuki Ishida1, Hiroshi Eisaki1, Hiraku Ogino1, Kenji Kawashima2 (1.AIST, 2.IMRA JAPAN)
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Graphite intercalation compounds,Intercalation,Lanthanoids

At the previous meeting, we showed the simple and rapid synthesis of alkali metal- and alkaline earth metal-intercalated GICs by using Na as a catalyst. In the present study, the Na-catalysed method was applied to the synthesis of lanthanide (Ln)-intercalated GICs (LnC6). The results demonstrate that bulk samples of LnC6 (Ln = Sm, Eu, Yb) can be rapidly synthesized in high yield. This study demonstrates the versatility of the Na-catalyzed method and lays the foundation for the mass production of LnC6.


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