Session Details

[19a-A31-1~11]17.3 Layered materials

Thu. Sep 19, 2024 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 19, 2024 12:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Yasumitsu Miyata(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)

[19a-A31-1]【Absent】Coating of MoS2 precursor / catalyst solutions on Si substrate for selective CVD growth

〇(M1)Ryunosuke Nishimura1, Watanabe Kentaro1,2 (1.Shinshu Univ., 2.IFES, ICCER, Shinshu Univ.)

[19a-A31-2]Mechanism of In-plane Alignment of MoS2 on Sapphire Substrate by vdW Epitaxy

〇Yoshiki Sakuma1, Takanobu Hiroto1, Jun Nara1, Yuki Ono2, Takashi Matsumoto2 (1.NIMS, 2.Tokyo Electron Technology Solutions Ltd.)

[19a-A31-3]WS2 thin film deposition by Atomic Layer Deposition using Organic Precursors

〇Hiroshi Yokota1, Hideaki Machida2, Masato Ishikawa2, Hiroshi Sudo2, Hitoshi Wakabayashi3, Naomi Sawamoto1,4, Ryo Yokogawa1,4, Atsushi Ogura1,4 (1.School of Science and Technology, Meiji Univ., 2.Gas-phase Growth Ltd., 3.Tokyo Tech, 4.Meiji Renewable Energy Laboratory, Meiji Univ.)

[19a-A31-4]Investigation of MoTe2 composition ratio control by sputtering method

〇(M2)Daiki Nakanishi1, Ryo Yokogawa1,2, Atsushi Ogura1,2 (1.Meiji Univ., 2.MREL)

[19a-A31-5]Improvement of film quality by H2S annealing for HfS2 film prepared by sputtering method using powder target

〇Taichi Ishikawa1, Koki Hori1,2, Naoya Okada2, Ryo Yokogawa1,3, Atsushi Ogura1,3 (1.Meiji Univ., 2.AIST, 3.MREL)

[19a-A31-6]Growth mechanism of segregated germanene revealed by in-situ Raman spectroscopy

〇Tomoo Terasawa1,2, Daiki Katsube3, Masahiro Yano1, Takahiro Ozawa2, Yasutaka Tsuda1, Akitaka Yoshigoe1, Hidehito Asaoka1, Seiya Suzuki1 (1.JAEA, 2.IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, 3.JFCC)

[19a-A31-7]CVD synthesis of isolated pentagonal h-BN single crystals

〇Kamal Prasad Sharma1,2, Takahiro Maruyama1,2 (1.Meijo Univ., 2.Nanomat. Res. Center)

[19a-A31-8]Theoretical study on critical size and shape of hBN island on Cu(111) in CVD growth

〇(M2)Ryo Imamura1, Hiroyuki Kageshima1 (1.Shimane Univ.)

[19a-A31-9]Growth technique of GaS/GaSe heterostructure nanobelt

〇Yukihiro Endo1, Yoshiaki Sekine1, Yoshitaka Taniyasu1 (1.NTT Basic Res. Labs.)

[19a-A31-10]On-surface synthesis of graphene nanoribbons on Ag(111) thin film grown on MoS2

〇Seiya Suzuki1, Masahiro Yano1 (1.JAEA)

[19a-A31-11]Synthesis of graphitic intercalation compounds LnC6 (Ln = Sm, Eu, Yb) by the Na-catalyzed method

〇Akira Iyo1, Hiroshi Fujihisa1, Yoshito Gotoh1, Shigeyuki Ishida1, Hiroshi Eisaki1, Hiraku Ogino1, Kenji Kawashima2 (1.AIST, 2.IMRA JAPAN)