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[19a-B5-6]Influence of Deposition Rate on Crystallinity of High-Sn-Content Ge1−xSnxEpitaxial Layers

〇Osamu Nakatsuka1,2, Taichi Kabeya1, Shigehisa Shibayama1, Mitsuo Sakashita1, Masashi Kurosawa1 (1.Grad. Sch. Eng., Nagoya Univ., 2.IMaSS, Nagoya Univ.)
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semiconductor,germanium tin alloy,sputtering

GeSn epitaxial layer with a high Sn composition is promissing as a semiconductor material for integrated devices such as mid- and far-infrared sensors and micro-LEDs because of their features of direct transition, narrow band gap, and good compatibility with Si LSI processes. We previously reported that, in the growth of GeSn epitaxial layers on InP substrate with a large lattice constatnt, the sputtering method, which is 4 times faster than the MBE method, can effectively suppress the formation of low-Sn-content area with the Sn precipitation and resuls in the formation of a 25%-high-Sn-content GeSn epitaxial layer over a wider area. In this study, we have investigated the effect of the deposition rate in the sputtering method on the crystallinity and electronic properties of the GeSn epitaxial layers in detail.


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