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[19a-C42-2]A Study on the Classification of Threading Dislocations in GaN Substrates by Spot Size using X-ray Topography High-Resolution Images

〇Masakazu Kanechika1, Satoshi Yamaguchi2, Yoshihiro Kishida2, Kazuhisa Isegawa2, Kohsuke Kitazumi2, Yasuji Kimoto2 (1.Nagoya Univ., 2.Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.)
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GaN,threading dislocation,X-ray topography

To classify the threading dislocations in GaN substrates, we employed synchrotron back reflection X-ray topography with a high monochromatic ratio and high-quality X-ray camera. These allow us to simply classify these kinds of dislocation by the spot size using high-resolution image. Consequently, we successfully classified the dislocations by the spot size, and found that the smallest, the middle, and the largest spots correspond to the edge, the mixed, and the screw or the mixed whose Burger’s vectors is larger than the unit.


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