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[19a-C42-8]Pulsed Sputtering Growth of GaN film using Sintered Target

〇(M1)Kohei Nomura1, Koo Bando2, Yoshihiro Ueoka2, Yoshiro Kususe2, Mesuda Masami2, Masahiro Uemukai1, Tomoyuki Tanikawa1, Ryuji Katayama1 (1.Osaka Univ, 2.Tosoh Corp)
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Sputtering,nitrides semiconductors,Gallium nitride

Homoepitaxial growth of GaN thin films with sintered targets was performed using a pulsed sputtering method to investigate the effect of sputtering conditions on the quality of GaN thin films. We used a c-plane GaN template as a substrate for growth at a constant substrate temperature of 550-600 °C and a constant growth pressure of 10 Pa, and varied the N2/(Ar + N2) ratio (partial pressure ratio) of the supply gas.


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