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[19p-A31-11]Selection of transport agents for CVT synthesis for tunnel FET source material

〇Toshinari Sugiyama1, Satoru Morito2, Tomonori Nishimura1, Kaito Kanahashi1, Keiji Ueno2, Kosuke Nagashio1 (1.UTokyo, 2.Saitama Univ.)
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semiconductor,transition metal dichalcogenides,tunnel FET

We selected an appropriate transport material for CVT synthesis to obtain high-concentration source material for tunnel FETs. We performed low-temperature PL measurements and high-precision Hall effect measurements on nominally 1% Re-substituted WSe2 synthesized under three conditions: excess Se, I2 transport agent, and SeCl4 transport agent, and evaluated the carrier density. The results showed that a carrier density of 1.5×1019 cm-3 was obtained when SeCl4 transport agent was used, which was consistent with the results predicted from the low-temperature PL measurements. The results suggested that SeCl4 transport agent may be effective for high-concentration doping.


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