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[19p-A31-16]Electrical transport properties of multilayer NbxMo1-XS2/MoS2
in-plane heterostructures on hBN substrate

〇(M2)Shota Toida1, Shota Yamaguchi1, Takahiko Endo1, Yusuke Nkanishi1, Kenji Watanabe2, Takashi Taniguchi2, Kosuke Nagashio3, Yasumitu Miyata1 (1.Tokyo Metro Univ., 2.NIMS, 3.Tokyo Univ.)
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2D semiconductor heterostructure,type3 band alignment,Band to Band tunneling

In-plane heterostructures based on transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are promising
for applications in tunnel field effect transistors (TFETs). However, the transport properties
of the in-plane heterostructures have not been fully understood due to the presence of
generation current derived from the in-gap state of the heterointerface. For further
performance improvement, it is important to identify and suppress the origin of the in-gap
states at the heterointerface. In this work, we investigated the transport properties of TFETs
based on multilayer NbxMo1−xS2/MoS2 in-plane heterostructures on atomically flat
hexagonal boron nitride substrate. We observed a transition from staggered gap to broken
gap band alignment by electron doping to MoS2 and that band-to-band tunneling current
was dominant below 80 K; a higher temperature compared with the heterostructure on an
SiO2 surface. These results indicate that the use of atomically flat substrates helps reduce
generation current from strain-derived in-gap states in NbxMo1−xS2/MoS2 in-plane


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