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[19p-A35-5]Effect of hydrogen in a-Si:H film on excimer laser crystallization

〇Akira Heya1, Koji Sumitomo1, Naoto Matsuo1 (1.Univ. of Hyogo)
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a-Si:H,excimer laser annealing,crystallization

The effects of hydrogen on laser crystallization of hydrogen-containing amorphous Si (a-Si:H) films were investigated. The crystalline fraction and grain size of the polycrystalline Si films formed by excimer laser annealing increased as the hydrogen concentration in a-Si:H films increased. This is considered to be due to the enhancement of crystal nucleation and growth by the energy generated by desorption of hydrogen from the Si-H2 bond. By changing the position of the high-concentration hydrogen layer in the film, exfoliation due to hydrogen burst was suppressed.


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