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[19p-P02-11]Analysis of electronic excitation and relaxation processes of Ar atom in deep oscillation magnetron sputtering (DOMS) plasma using an optical emission spectroscopy (OES)

〇Eisuke Yokoyama1, Yuuki Nakagawa1, Hiroki Kobayashi1, Nobuo Nishimiya1, Masaomi Sanekata1, Masahide Tona2, Hiroaki Yamamoto2, Keizo Tsukamoto2, Kiyokazu Fuke3, Keijiro Ohshimo4, Fuminori Misaizu4 (1.Tokyo Polytech. Univ., 2.Ayabo Corp., 3.Kobe Univ., 4.Tohoku Univ.)
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deep oscillation magnetron sputtering,optical emission spectroscopy

Deep oscillation magnetron sputtering (DOMS), operated using a comb-like pulsed power waveform consisting of a voltage oscillation train with short-on/off micropulses, has been shown an excellent performance to arc-free depositions. In the present study, time-resolved optical emission spectroscopy (OES) of DOMS plasma were performed to investigate the electronic excitation and relaxation processes.
In the time-resolved OES of Ar emission, the temporal profiles were separated into two peaks within the micropulse. In the cases of Ar OES at 750 and 811 nm, which corresponds to the different excitation processes, the distance dependence of the integrated intensity ratios of two separated peaks showed different behavior.


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