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[19p-P03-2]Optical characterization of microstructured Cu2O and CuO thin films prepared by glancing-angle reactive sputtering

〇Yamato Sakamoto1, Yasushi Inoue1, Osamu Takai2 (1.Chiba Inst. Technol., 2.Kanto Gakuin Univ.)
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Adsorption-induced electrochromic (AiEC) phenomenon,glancing-angle reactive sputtering,Discrete Columnar Structure

Adsorption-induced electrochromic (AiEC) phenomenon is caused by the change in the optical gap due to the increase or decrease in the carrier density of the conduction band as the surface adsorbate changes with polarization in the electrolyte solution. In this study, copper oxide thin films exhibiting p-type semiconductor properties were prepared and their optical properties were investigated. Copper oxide thin films were prepared using an RF magnetron sputtering system, and the films were characterized using SEM, XRD, and spectrophotometry.


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