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[20a-A24-7]500 nm GaInN edge-emitting laser diodes with bottom tunnel junctions

〇Rita Higashi1, Tetsuya Takeuchi1, Motoaki Iwaya1, Satoshi Kamiyama1 (1.Meijo Univ.)
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semiconductor,Laser Diode,Bottom Tunnel Junction

Injection efficiency is expected to improve in light-emitting devices with bottom tunnel junction contacts. Recently, room-temperature oscillation at a wavelength of 450 nm and a threshold current density of 3.4 kA/cm2 has been reported in a blue edge-emitting LD using a lower tunnel junction. On the other hand, there is no report of laser operation using a lower tunnel junction in the green region. In this study, an edge-emitting LD with a bottom tunnel junction and operating at wavelengths above 500 nm was fabricated and evaluated.


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