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[20a-P06-2]Demonstration of the operation of interface dipole modulation devices fabricated by ALD method on UV-Ozone treated SiO2

〇Sorato Mikawa1, Yoshiharu Kirihara1, Kota Miura1, Tomoki Yoshida1, Akira Yasui2, Ryousuke Ishikawa1, Hiroshi Nohira1 (1.Tokyo City Univ, 2.JASRI)
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interface dipole Modulation,non-volatile memory,Voltage applied HAXPES

Recently, Interface Dipole Modulation (IDM) has been observed in amorphous Al2O3/atomic layer thickness TiOx/SiO2 stack structures. Layer Deposition (ALD) method is advantageous for the fabrication of IDM devices because of the need for uniformity and accurate thickness control of the atomic layer film. Recently, it has been reported that the deposition delay and non-uniformity of ALD films caused by the chemical inertness of thermally oxidized-SiO2 surfaces can be improved by UV-Ozone (UVO) treatment. In this study, Al2O3/TiOx/SiO2/n-Si structural samples were prepared by ALD on UVO-treated thermally oxidized-SiO2 films and characterized by capacitance-voltage measurements and hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy.


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