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[20p-A22-12]Fabrication of single-mode α-Ga2O3 waveguides and observation of the light propagation in the visible region

〇(M2)Koudai Iijima1, Hideo Otsuki1, Sangmin Ji2, Riena Jinno1,3, Susumu Fukatsu3, Satoshi Iwamoto1,2 (1.RCAST U-Tokyo, 2.IIS U-Tokyo, 3.Graduate School of Arts and Sciences U-tokyo)
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Gallium oxide,Dry etching,VIsible light waveguide

Gallium oxide (Ga2O3), an ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor, is being explored for its potential in optical integrated circuits operating in the near-ultraviolet to visible spectrum due to its transparency across a broad wavelength range. Although visible light waveguides have been demonstrated in β-Ga2O3, discussions on single-mode characteristics and interfaces for out-of-plane coupling are limited.In this study, we focus on α-Ga2O3, which possesses a wider bandgap and higher refractive index than β-Ga2O3. We successfully fabricated α-Ga2O3 waveguides that operate in the visible light region and achieved light waveguiding through out-of-plane coupling.


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