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[20p-A22-4]Homo-epitaxial growth on the β-Ga2O3 (011) substrate by HVPE

〇Kentaro Ema1, Chia-Hung Lin1, Yuki Ueda1, Kohei Sasaki1, Akito Kuramata1 (1.NCT)
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Ga2O3,HVPE,power device

β-Ga2O3 epitaxial wafer is grown by halide vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE). In the source generation zone, metallic Ga is reacted with Cl2 to generate GaCl, and then in the growth zone, GaCl is reacted with O2 to grow β-Ga2O3 epitaxially on the substrate crystal. The (001) plane is often used. Since Cl which is an impurity derived from GaCl, and Si which is an impurity derived from the reactor, act as donors, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of these residual donors. In this study, growth on a (011) plane substrate was attempted as a search for a novel growth surface orientation to replace the (001) plane, and the surface morphology, impurity incorporation, and electrical properties were evaluated. As a result, it was confirmed that the incorporation of Cl and Si was reduced in the growth on the (011) plane substrate compared to the (001) plane, and it was found that this plane orientation is expected to reduce the residual donor concentration. It was also confirmed that the surface morphology of the as-grown wafer was significantly different from that of the (001) wafer The deep pits and striped growth at the wafer edge shown on the (001) wafer were not observed. However, polycrystal growth specific to the (011) wafer was also confirmed. The electrical properties of SBDs fabricated on epitaxial wafers with reduced polycrystal growth will also be reported.


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