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[20p-A22-8]Demonstration of vertical power devices of (001) β-Ga2O3 grown by MOCVD

〇Kentaro Ema1, Kohei Sasaki1, Akito Kuramata1 (1.NCT)
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Ga2O3,MOCVD,power device

MOCVD method is widely used in the epitaxial growth process of compound semiconductors, and there are many reports on the (010) plane and (100) plane of β-Ga2O3. However, there are few reports on growth on the (001) plane, and the growth rate is low at less than 1 μm/h. In this study, we report SIMS analysis of epitaxial layers on (001) β-Ga2O3 substrates by MOCVD at a growth rate of 3.4 μm/h, and it was also confirmed that the impurity concentrations of H, C, and Si were at background levels and that high-purity epitaxial layers could be obtained on the (001) plane. Furthermore, we also fabricated SBDs on the epitaxial wafer and evaluated its electrical characteristics.


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