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[20p-A31-1]Fabrication of suspended 2D materials using plasticized polyvinyl chloride

〇Momoko Onodera1, Manabu Ataka1, Yijin Zhang1, Rai Moriya1, Kenji Watanabe2, Takashi Taniguchi2, Hiroshi Toshiyoshi1, Tomoki Machida1 (1.IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, 2.NIMS)
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2D materials transfer,van der Waals heterostructure,graphene

We present a method for transferring cleaved atomic layers on SiO2/Si substrates onto arbitrarily patterned substrates using soft polyvinyl chloride (PVC) films. Using PVC, only the atomic layer can be released onto the substrate without melting the PVC at high temperatures (dry release). Therefore, there is no need to immerse the PVC in solvent after the transfer, and the atomic layer is prevented from being destroyed. In addition, the PVC film is specially formulated for the fabrication of suspended structures, enabling transfer onto uneven substrates with a high probability of success.


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