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[20p-B3-4]Electrical Characterization of Mott Transition at Room and High Temperatures in Mist-CVD Deposited NiO Thin Films for CeRAM Applications

〇Mamoru Ikeda1, Masamishi Azuma1, Tsubasa Miyamoto1, Hiroyuki Nishinaka1 (1.Kyoto Inst. Tech.)
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Mott trnsition,Non-Volatile Memory,Nickel Oxide thin film

Correlated electron Random Access Memory (CeRAM) is a next-generation non-volatile memory that utilizes electrically controlled Mott transition achieved by carbon-doped transition metal oxide thin films[1]. This memory boasts advantages such as a wide operating temperature range from extremely low to high temperatures, high-speed operation, and compatibility with CMOS processes. Previous studies have demonstrated CeRAM using the spin coating method. In this study, devices were fabricated by forming carbon-doped NiO thin films by Mist CVD, which excels in coating three-dimensional structures. The operation of CeRAM was confirmed through current-voltage measurements at room temperature and 125°C, and the results are reported herein.
[1] C. A. Paz de Araujo et al., APL Mater. 10, 040904 (2022).


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