Session Details

[16a-A36-1~5]Advanced Technology on the Cyber-Physical System for the Society 5.0 -Connecting with the physical spaces as the technologies of Materials, Devices, Processes, Circuits, and Applications-

Mon. Sep 16, 2024 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM JST
Mon. Sep 16, 2024 12:30 AM - 3:15 AM UTC
Naoka Nagamura(NIMS), Sugahara Tohru(Osaka Univ.)

[16a-A36-1]Potential application of semiconductors hybrid gas sensor using oxide nano-structures and graphene

〇Tohru Sugahara1,2, Takao Ono2, Takafumi Uemura2, Yukiko Hirose1, Otoya Okanishi1 (1.KIT, 2.Osaka Univ.)

[16a-A36-2]Development of Machine Learning Potentials Using Persistent Homology

〇Emi Minamitani1 (1.SANKEN, Osaka Univ.)

[16a-A36-3]Design of Reaction Environment for Selective Ethylene Production by Electrochemical CO2 Reduction

〇Takanori Tamaki1 (1.Kagoshima Univ.)

[16a-A36-4]Development of reaction field to create metastable states

〇Masaya fujioka1 (1.AIST)

[16a-A36-5]Electronic state analysis of nanomaterial devices using multi-scale, multi-dimensional, and multi-modal spectromicroscopy

〇Naoka Nagamura1,2, Riku Gotoh1,2, Kenta Oishi1,2 (1.NIMS, 2.Tokyo Univ. of Sci.)