Session Details

[17p-A24-1~6]Organic and ionic thermoelectric materials and devices

Tue. Sep 17, 2024 1:30 PM - 4:25 PM JST
Tue. Sep 17, 2024 4:30 AM - 7:25 AM UTC
Wei Qingshuo (AIST)

[17p-A24-1]Exploring Key Technologies for CNT-based Thermoelectrics

〇Yoshiyuki Nonoguchi1 (1.Kyoto Inst. Tech.)

[17p-A24-2]π-structured thermoelectric modules composed of polymer/CNT composites

〇Kouji Suemori1 (1.AIST)

[17p-A24-3]Conducting Polymer Thermoelectric Devices for IoT Power Supply

〇Masakazu Mukaida1 (1.AIST)

[17p-A24-4]Thermoelectric conversion by thermocell using the thermoresponsiveness of molecules

〇Teppei YaYamada1 (1.Univ. Tokyo)

[17p-A24-5]Self-Powered Sensors Utilizing Thermocells

〇Lixian Jiang1, Shohei Horike2, Qingshuo Wei1,3 (1.AIST, 2.Kobe Univ., 3.Univ. Tsukuba)


〇Qingshuo Wei1, Shohei Horike2 (1.AIST, 2.Kobe Univ.)