Session Details

[20p-A37-1~13]3.4 Laser system and materials

Fri. Sep 20, 2024 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 20, 2024 4:30 AM - 8:00 AM UTC
Eisuke Haraguchi(Mitsubishi Electric), Chiaki Ooae(UEC)

[20p-A37-1]Augmentation of the Fluorescent Bandwidth of Nd:Garnet by the Spectrum Tailoring

〇Yoichi Sato1,2, Takunori Taira1,2 (1.RIKEN, 2.IMS)

[20p-A37-2]Room temperature bonding for Cr:LiSAF thermal properties improvement

〇(P)Florent Cassouret1, Yoichi Sato2, Arvydas Kausas2, Takunori Taira2,1 (1.Inst. for Molecular Science, 2.Riken Spring-8 Center)

[20p-A37-3]Laser-induced damage detection at different pulse widths by vibration-based method

〇Ryouichi Akiyoshi1, Katsuhiro Mikami1, Yasuhiro Miyasaka2 (1.Kindai.Univ, 2.QSTKPSI)

[20p-A37-4]Implementation of reinforcement learning in oscillator using a spatial light modulator

〇Yuki Ikeya1,2, Takashi Sekine1, Shuntaro Tani2, Toshio Otsu2, Endo Tsubasa2, Takaaki Morita1, Yoshinori Tamaoki1, Yoshinori Kato1, Toshiyuki Kawashima1, Yohei Kobayashi2 (1.Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., 2.ISSP, Univ.Tokyo.)

[20p-A37-5]Hybrid frequency locking of a compact laser module using both fiber interferometer and Doppler-free iodine spectroscopy

〇Junia Nomura1, Daisuke Akamatsu2, Feng-Lei Hong2 (1.Nihon Univ. CIT, 2.YNU physics)

[20p-A37-6]Demonstration of sub-array coherent beam combining by phase-locking between local beams.

〇Tomohiro Akiyama1, Eisuke Haraguchi1, Takahiro Suzuki1, Rio Narazaki1, Hitomi Ono1 (1.Mitsubishi Electric)

[20p-A37-7]Study of optical phased array system with superimposed pseudo-random phase

〇Eisuke Haraguchi1, Tomohiro Akiyama1, Rio Narazaki1, Hitomi Ono1, Masaharu Imaki1 (1.MitsubishiElectric)

[20p-A37-8]Development of 35 W Output Tm-doped fiber laser system

〇Donguhn Kang1, Toshio Otsu1, Shuntaro Tani1, Kobayashi Yohei1 (1.ISSP, Univ.Tokyo)

[20p-A37-9]Picosecond mode-locked fiber laser at 1550 nm utilizing a 3×3 coupler and a narrow bandpass filter

〇Nishiura Masanori1,2, Ryosuke Nakamura1,2, Tatsutoshi Shioda1 (1.Saitama University, 2.Sevensix)

[20p-A37-10]Development of an all-polarization-maintaining mode-locked Yb-fiber laser with utilizing a 3×3 coupler

〇(M1)Toshiki Tamura1, Tomoki Yoshii1, Hiroyuki Toda1, Masayuki Suzuki1 (1.Doshisha Univ.)

[20p-A37-11]Characterization of Mamyshev oscillator with a different core diameter Yb double-clad fibers

〇(M1)Atsutoshi Murata1, Hiroyuki Toda1, Masayuki Suzuki1 (1.Doshisha Univ)

[20p-A37-12]Dependence on SWNT film in Tm-Ho co-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser

〇(M2)Shohei Takada1, Shotaro Kitajima1, Ying Zhou2, Youichi Sakakibara2, Takeshi Saito2, Norihiko Nishizawa1 (1.Nagoya Univ., 2.AIST)

[20p-A37-13]Sub-50 fs Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:KLuW thin-disk laser

〇Shotaro Kitajima1, Norihiko Nishizawa1 (1.Nagoya Univ.)