Presentation Information

[22a-11E-4]Detail hole-edge disorder modeling of high-Q photonic crystal nanocavities

〇Eiichi Kuramochi1,2, Shota Kita1,2, Akihiko Shinya1,2, Masaya Notomi1,2 (1.NTT-BRL, 2.NTT-NPC)


photonic crystal,optical microcavity,silicon photonics

We reported previously that high-Q photonic crystal L3 nanocavity with multiple-hole-tuning exhibited radius/period dependence of a process-induced Q factor degradation, but conventional models that assumed simple disorder on radius and the position could not explain the experimental results.
Here we report numerical simulation results suggesting that a larger hole radius/period ratio tends to cause a larger Q value degradation in a model in which random fluctuation is applied to each vertex of hexadecagonal holes that replace circular holes.