Presentation Information
[22a-12G-1]Electric field measurements of nonequilibrium plasma at near-atmospheric pressure by
electric-field-induced coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering in visible region (E-CARSv)
〇Takeru Koike1, Hitoshi Muneoka1, Kazuo Terashima1, Tsuyohito Ito1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo)
Electric field measurement,CARS,Hydrogen
Electric field measurement is one of the most fundamental plasma diagnostics. We have developed a new electric field measurement method, visible light-detected coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (E-CARSv), which is suitable for high-pressure atmospheres including atmospheric pressure, and have reported that the detection of electric fields is more sensitive than similar methods in atmospheric pressure hydrogen atmospheres. In this presentation, as a demonstration of the application of E-CARSv to plasmas, we report the results of electric field measurements in a non-equilibrium hydrogen plasma near atmospheric pressure.