Presentation Information

[22a-13M-9]Fabrication of Broadband Moth-Eye Anti-Reflection Structure by Laser Processing

〇(M2)Rikuo Koike1, Shotaro Kawano1, Mizuho Matoba1, Sakurai Haruyuki1, Kuniaki Konishi1, Norikatsu Mio1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo)


Ultrashort pulse laser processing,Moth-eye structure,Terahertz wave

One of the antireflection technologies is known as the moth-eye structure, which is a periodic array of pyramid-shaped structures. Moth-eye structures for terahertz band antireflection are mainly fabricated by ultrashort pulsed laser processing, and most of them are square lattices. In this study, we fabricated moth-eye structures with different lattices by laser processing and showed that the structure with a hexagonal lattice has the broadest bandwidth antireflection properties.