Presentation Information

[22a-13N-4]Development of 4-micron femtosecond optical amplifier based on Fe:ZnSe

〇Daiki Okazaki1, Tsuneto Kanai1, Linpeng Yu2, Ryo Yasuhara2, Shigeki Tokita1 (1.ICR, Kyoto Univ., 2.NIFS)



In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for superior mid-infrared high-intensity laser systems, toward applications in nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy, attosecond pulse generation through high-order harmonic generation, and subsequent applications in particle physics. In this research, we utilized Fe:ZnSe, which exhibits broad fluorescence in the 4-micron wavelength band, as the laser gain medium, and developed a seven-pass chirped pulse amplifier.