Session Details

[22a-13N-1~8]3.5 Ultrashort-pulse and high-intensity lasers (formerly 3.6)

Fri. Mar 22, 2024 9:00 AM - 11:15 AM JST
Fri. Mar 22, 2024 12:00 AM - 2:15 AM UTC
13N (Building No. 1)
Katsuya Oguri(NTT)

[22a-13N-1]Development of a supercontinuum soft X-ray light source using a single-cycle mid-infrared laser

〇Kaito Nishimiya1, Dai Ikeda1, Rajpoot Rambabu1, Eiji Takahashi1 (1.RIKEN)

[22a-13N-2]Generation of soft x-ray high harmonics using a high-repetition-rate, intense few-cycle infrared light source

〇Nobuhisa Ishii1,2, Momoko Maruyama1, Ryuji Itakura1 (1.QST KPSI, 2.JST-PRESTO)

[22a-13N-3]Development of Co:MgF2 amplifier for broadband mid-infrared light

〇Natsuki Kanda1, Kaito Nishimiya1, Eiji J. Takahashi1 (1.RAP, RIKEN)

[22a-13N-4]Development of 4-micron femtosecond optical amplifier based on Fe:ZnSe

〇Daiki Okazaki1, Tsuneto Kanai1, Linpeng Yu2, Ryo Yasuhara2, Shigeki Tokita1 (1.ICR, Kyoto Univ., 2.NIFS)

[22a-13N-5]High-Repetition-Rate Femtosecond Laser Amplifier Based on Cr:ZnS gain media

〇Hiroki Murata1, Hideyuki Sugama1, Xiangbao Bu1, Satoshi Ashihara1 (1.IIS, The Univ. of Tokyo)

[22a-13N-6]Broadband Mid-Infrared Light Source based on Intra-Pulse Difference Frequency Generation and Application to Identification of Microplastics

〇Hideyuki Sugama1, Aoi Sato1, Satoshi Ashihara1 (1.IIS,The Univ. of Tokyo)

[22a-13N-7]Development of a field-free molecular orientation technique with nanosecond two-color laser pulses

〇Naoki Hara1, Shinichirou Minemoto1, Hirofumi Sakai1 (1.Univ. of Tokyo)

[22a-13N-8]Towards an efficient 480 nm laser for Rydberg-atoms based quantum-operations

〇(P)Baptiste Bruneteau1, Hwan-Hong Lim1, Takunori Taira1,2 (1.IMS, 2.RIKEN Spring-8)