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[22a-13P-8]P-type thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler alloys TiNi1-xCoxSn

〇Kosuke Yamazaki1, Hiromichi Togashi1, Hiroshi Nakatsugawa1, Yoichi Okamoto2 (1.Yokohama Natl. Univ., 2.Natl. Def. Acad.)


half-Heusler,thermoelectric,ark melting

Half-Heusler alloy TiNiSn, composed of elements with low environmental impact, is a thermoelectric material with a high power factor. In this study, TiNi1-xCoxSn (0≤x≤0.15) substituted with Co, which has fewer valence electrons than Ni, was prepared by the arc melting method to change the majority carrier of TiNiSn. Measurements were carried out to identify the crystalline phase using powder XRD measurements and Rietveld analysis, and thermoelectric properties were measured in the range 80 ~800 K. As a result, we found that Co substitution inverts the sign of Seebeck coefficient and changes the majority carriers.