Presentation Information

[22a-1BJ-7]Development of a Rotating Magnetic Field by Tri-pole Magnet

〇Atom Hamasaki1, Yuka Takeuchi2, Hideki Kawaguchi2 (1.Shinshu Univ., 2.Muroran Inst. of Tech.)


Development of magnet

The application of rotating magnetic fields has been suggested to contribute to the functionalization of materials. The quadrupole magnet developed earlier was surrounded on all four sides, making it difficult to install accessory parts due to space limitations. Therefore, we used a three-pole magnet, which has ample space, and simulated the change in magnetic direction when an electric current is applied to each pole using the three-dimensional finite integration method (FIT). The results showed that the magnetic direction could face any angle within a range of 4 x 4 mm2. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field can be also kept constant by current adjusting the unpaired coils.