Presentation Information

[22a-1BN-6]Design of Geometric Phase Optical Element for Wide-Angle and Constant-Speed of Beam Steering

〇(M2)Mitsuki Okamura1, Moritsugu Sakamoto1, Kohei Noda1, Masato Suzuki1, Tomoyuki Sasaki1, Nobuhiro Kawatsuki2, Hiroshi Ono1 (1.Nagaoka Univ. of Tech, 2.Univ. of Hyogo)


Polarization,Geometric Phase Optical Element,Polarization Diffraction Element

Beam steering elements such as MEMS mirrors and galvanometer mirrors require a wider scanning range. In addition, the scanning speed of the aforementioned elements is not constant due to sinusoidal driving, resulting in uneven exposure. In this presentation, we show the design of a geometric phase element that expands the scanning range of beam steering elements and at the same time maintains a constant scanning speed. A MEMS mirror is assumed for the element design, and the spatial distribution of the local lattice period on the element is designed.