Presentation Information

[22a-1BN-7]Fabrication of Large-Area Polarization Grating using Polarization Fourier Transform Optics

〇(M2)Masaya Fujita1, Tobita Riku1, Sakamoto Moritsugu1,3, Noda Kohei1,3, Suzuki Masato1,3, Sasaki Tomoyuki1,3, Kawatsuki Nobuhiro2,3, Ono Hiroshi1,3 (1.Nagaoka Univ. of Tech, 2.Univ. of Hyogo, 3.CREST, JST)


polarization grating,liquid crystal

When polarization grating (PG) are applied to display technology such as aerial imaging, there is a need for a technique to fabricate PG with a large area. In this study, we used a replica method based on polarization Fourier transform optics. Conventional replica methods are difficult to use for liquid crystal master PG because of exposure to ultraviolet light, but this problem has been solved by using a liquid crystal photoalignment material that is resistant to ultraviolet light. By replica, PG with an area four times larger than that of the master PG have been fabricated. In the presentation of the day, we will report the results of location dependence of diffraction efficiency.