Presentation Information

[22a-P01-12]Evaluation of surface barrier in superconducting diodes with REBa2Cu3Oy films

〇Yuji Tsuchiya1, Akihito Mizuno2, Akihiro Tsuruta3, Toshinori Ozaki4, Yutaka Yoshida2, Satoshi Awaji1 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.Nagoya Univ., 3.AIST, 4.Kwansei Gakuin Univ.3)


superconductor,superconducting diode,flux quantum

The superconducting diode effect is defined as the property where the critical current varies with the direction of the current. We have focused on the rectification of flux quanta to elucidate the origin of the superconducting diode property and to improve the property. In this study, we discuss the quantitative evaluation method of the surface barrier by measuring the field dependence of the critical current at low magnetic fields, with the aim of establishing a method to quantitatively evaluate the origin of the superconducting diode properties by controlling the surface barrier of the high temperature superconducting thin film.