Presentation Information

[22a-P01-8]Optical property measurements of the Pb-doped cuprate high-Tc superconductor Bi2.2-xPbxSr1.8CaCu2O8+δ

〇(M1)Keigo Tokita1, Kun Zhang1, Kenta Nakagawa2, Masaki Fujita3, Toru Asahi1 (1.Faculty of Adv. Sci. & Eng., Waseda Univ., 2.Comprehensive Research Organization, Waseda Univ., 3.Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ.,)


Copper oxide high temperature superconductor,G-HAUP,Optical anisotropy

High-temperature cuprate superconductors have been studied intensively because of their high transition temperatures, which are not predicted by BCS theory. In particular, the two-dimensional electronic properties on the CuO2 plane parallel to the ab-plane are of interest, and the anisotropy of the ab-plane is important in understanding the mechanism of superconductivity. In this study, single crystals of Pb doped Bi2212, which is Bi2.2-xPbxSr1.8CaCu2O8+δ and known for disappearance of modulation, were grown by the floating zone method. The anisotropy in the ab-plane was evaluated by measuring the wavelength dependence of linear birefringence (LB) and linear dichroism (LD) along the c-axis.