Presentation Information

[22a-P02-18]Behavior of a self-propelled ion gel in a square channel with different curvatures at the four corners

〇Shunsuke Kanai1, Kazuaki Furukawa1 (1.Meisei Univ)


self-propelled ion gel

We fabricated five types of channels (channel width 10 mm) with only the curvature of the four corners changed, and observed the behavior of self-propelled ion gels of Φ = 6, 7, and 8 mm in the channels. In the circular channel, the ion gel made continuous circular motion at approximately 100 mm/s in the direction of the initial motion. In the square channel, the ion gel caused circular motion, but the direction of motion was reversed due to bounce at the four corners. We report the results of a systematic investigation of the behavior of self-propelled motion by varying the curvature and size of the ion gel.