Presentation Information

[22a-P02-24]Fabrication of molecular alignment films using liquid crystalline monomers/organic fluorescent dyes for promotion of photosynthesis in agriculture.

〇Ryota Kobayashi1, Yosei Shibata1, Kento Masai1, Munehiro Kimura1 (1.Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)


organic fluorescent dye,liquid crystalline monomer,agricultural optical film

For enhancement of crop yield by efficient light absorption of chlorophyll, we attempted control of molecular alignment of organic fluorescent dye using alignment ability of liquid crystalline monomer which focused on molecular shape of fluorescent dye. In this study, we evaluated molecular alignment of rod-like Coumarin dye and plate-like Rhodamine dye in liquid crystalline monomer as the model case. As the results, we clarified that solid-state Coumarin dye molecules showed uniaxial alignment along alignment direction of liquid crystalline mesogen by paralleled-Nicols polarizing microscopy