Presentation Information

[22a-P02-37]Effect of Various Alignments on the Surface Polarization Configuration of Ferroelectric Nematic Liquid Crystals

〇Hirokazu Kamifuji1, Kazuma Nakajima1, Mahiro Nakase1, Yuji Tsukamoto1, Masanori Ozaki1, Hirotsugu Kikuchi2 (1.Osaka Univ., 2.Kyushu Univ.)


liquid crystals,ferroelectricity

The molecular orientation properties and the detailed polarization distribution of ferroelectric liquid crystals are complicated and there are many unresolved factors. In this study, we investigated the polarization state of ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals at the interface by focusing on the interfacial parameters of pretilt and polarity of the alignment film. We found that the polarization direction at the interface can be uniquely determined by applying a pretilt treatment, and that the domain can be controlled in the vertical direction by controlling the polarity of the alignment film.