Presentation Information

[22a-P02-39]Modeling and verification of the columnar structure effect of oblique vacuum evaporated SiO films on liquid crystal alignment

〇(M1)Yuki Enomoto1, Yosei Shibata1, Munehiro Kimura1 (1.Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)


liquid crystal,oblique evaporation,finite element method

The effect of the inclined columnar structure of the SiO oblique evaporated film on the vertical alignment characteristics of the liquid crystal was modeled and verified. Vertically aligned cells were prepared, and their pre-tilt angles were measured by ellipsometry. A two-dimensional columnar structure model was defined in space, and the tilt angles of the director in the bulk region were calculated using the finite element method. As a result, a qualitative agreement was found between the measured and calculated results for the model with the director fixed in the normal direction of the columnar structure.