Presentation Information

[22a-P03-6]Effects of ionic species on DNA dynamics near square nanopores

〇Shin Takano1, Takuma Yoshinaga1, Seiwa Yamagishi1, Yunosuke Fuji1, Yuuta Moriyama1,2, Toshiyuki Mitsui1 (1.Aogaku Univ., 2.PRESTO, JST)



A solid-state nanopore is a nanoscale pore in an insulating film, such as Si3N4. In nanopore sensing, controlling the velocity of DNA is an important issue. In a previous study, it was reported that the velocity of DNA varied with ionic species when translocating. We investigated the effects of ionic species on DNA dynamics by direct observation and finite element method of electric fields and electro-osmotic flow near a nanopore. Fabricated as square shapes with different aspect ratios, these nanopores revealed altered DNA entry paths. Capture radius of DNA into 1:1 nanopore in KCl was 20 µm. but in LiCl, the radius was reduced to about 10 µm, showing slower entry near the nanopore. The pathways of DNA into 1:5 and 1:20 nanopores were anisotropic in the experiment. We also researched the anisotropy by finite element method performed by COMSOL Multiphysics. I will discuss the differences in the physical environment on ionic species and the effects of electro-osmotic flow on DNA motion from the experimental results and the simulation results.