Presentation Information

[22p-12C-1]Analysis of the quantum feature map produced by physical qubit networks in quantum machine learning

〇Aoi Hayashi1,2,3, Akitada Sakurai2, William J. Munro2, Kae Nemoto2,3 (1.Department of Informatics, SOKENDAI, 2.OIST Graduate Univ., 3.NII)


Quantum Information,Quantum Machine Learning,Quantum Neural Networks

Quantum machine learning (QML) has recently gathered much attention as a promising near-term application. Driven by it, the relation between QML performance and the quantum feature map (QFM) has been studied. However, designing the physical qubit network for a good QFM on NISQ devices with limited qubit connectivities is highly non-trivial. In this talk, we will introduce our work on an analysis of the QFM produced by different qubit networks in a QML model.