Presentation Information

[23a-11E-1]Optical OAM generation using GaN nanowires and metal nanostructures

〇Ryuji Kuruma1,3, Masato Takiguchi2,3, Peter Haidt3, Yuto Moritake1, Masaya Notomi1,2,3 (1.Tokyo Tech, 2.NTT NPC, 3.NTT BRL)


Optical OAM,Non-hermite,GaN nanowires

In this study, using waveguide mode calculations, modes with OAMs were searched for when Au nanopillars were placed in close proximity to a hexagonal prismatic GaN hollow wire with a circumscribed circle diameter of 240 nm. As a result, modes with OAMs were found when the pillars were placed at locations that broke the mirror symmetry of the hexagon. Furthermore, by optimising the position and size of the pillars, a mode with a large OAM was successfully generated. In the talk, the specific structure, the optimisation method and the characteristics of each mode with OAM will be presented, and the physical mechanism of OAM generation will also be touched upon.