Presentation Information

[23a-11F-9]Modification of polarized resonance Raman selection rule by near-field light in carbon naotubes

〇Yuto Fujita1,2, Norihiko Hayazawa2, Maria Vanessa Balois-Oguchi2, Takuo Tanaka2, Tomoko K. Shimizu1 (1.Keio Univ., 2.RIKEN)


Near-field light,Raman spectroscopy,Selection rule

In this study, we investigated the selection rule of near-field Raman spectroscopy in carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Near-field Raman spectra of a single-walled CNT showed intense D-bands, which were not observed in conventional far-field Raman spectroscopy. We believe that it is because the near-field light plays the role of defects that complement the momentum in an electron transition. The modification of the selection rule will be discussed with consideration of the dependence of the CNTs on the excitation polarization.