Presentation Information

[23a-12J-12]Improved quality and interface of Al2O3 towards quiet Ge-based spin qubit environment

〇(D)Chutian Wen1, Ryutaro Matsuoka1, Raisei Mizokuchi1, Jun Yoneda1, Tetsuo Kodera1 (1.Tokyo Tech)


Ge Hall bar,gate oxide film,Interfcae trap

Hole spin qubit in Ge recently attracts much attention because of the strong and electrically tunable spin-orbit interaction which enables both fast spin manipulation and long decoherence time. However, charge noise coming from the interface traps between gate oxide and semiconductor couples spin degree of freedom and random electric field, hampering stable qubit operation. In this work, we use a gated Ge Hall bar to demonstrate that the effect of charge noise can be lowered by improving the quality of gate oxide film. This finding will be promising in realizing stable qubit operation in Ge QDs.