Presentation Information

[23a-12N-6]Reversible motion of quantized flux in a 2D superconductor using the AFI method

〇Ken On1, Tenma Ueda1, Edmund Soji Otabe1, Tetsuya Matsuno2 (1.Kyusyu Inst. Tech., 2.NIT-Ariake)


superconductivity,Reversible motion of quantized magnetic flux,Time Dependent Gizburg-Landau (TDGL) equation

Many electromagnetic phenomena in superconductors are irreversible and are well described by the critical state model. However, these irreversible phenomena are caused by the motion of the magnetic flux lines near the pin potential, especially the instability phenomena when the magnetic flux lines fall into and out of the pin potential. If this is the case, then if the displacement of the magnetic flux lines is small, their motion is limited to the pin potential and the phenomenon becomes reversible (reversible motion of the magnetic flux lines), which does not fit the description by the critical state model.
In this study, we use the Affine Integrator (AFI) numerical integration method to solve the time-dependent Gizburg-Landau (TDGL) equation to visualize the quantized magnetic flux lines and to reproduce the theoretical flux reversible motion in two dimensions.