Presentation Information

[23a-12P-5]Temperature dependence of superfluid density in cuprate superconductor-manganite ferromagnet heterostructure

Taichi Nishimura1, Sachio Komori2, 〇Itsuhiro Kakeya1 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.Nagoya Univ.)


cuprate superconductor,Manganese oxide,Superconducting fluctuation

Using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, we observed the temperature dependence of the superfluid density observed in YBCO films for a YBCO monolayer and a YBCO/manganese oxide ferromagnetic bilayer, respectively. In both samples, a finite superfluid density is observed above the superconducting transition temperature estimated from magnetization measurements, which is considered to be a superconducting fluctuation. Comparing the monolayer and bilayer films, the superconducting fluctuation is suppressed in the bilayer film. This can be explained within the range of GL theory as an effect of the magnetic field from the ferromagnetic film, but we would like to clarify whether this is due to the dipole magnetic field or the exchange magnetic field.