Presentation Information

[23a-13N-4]Polarization memory effect in ultrafast IR luminescence of plasmonic Au nanoparticles

〇Atsushi Sugita1, Kenshin Muroi1, Masayoshi Kamiya1, Tohru Suemoto2, Akifumi Asahara2, Takeshi Okuno2, Shuntaro Tani3, Yohei Kobayashi3 (1.Shizuoka Univ., 2.Univ. of Electro-Commun., 3.Univ. of Tokyo)


ultrafast infrared photoluminescence spectroscopy,plasmonic metal nanoparticle structure,polarization memory effect

Polarization memory effect of ultrafast infrared photoluminescence is presented for plasmonic gold nanoparticles. Our experimental results showed that the polarization direction of the ultrafast infrared photoluminescence from the rod-shaped gold nanoparticles upon the surface plasmon resonance excitation strongly retained the polarization direction of the excitation light. The mechanism of the polarization memory effect is discussed using the model of electronic Raman scattering.