Presentation Information

[23a-1BJ-8]Fabrication of Si Photonics Efficient Grating Coupler with 150 nm Feature Size

〇Naoki Tahara1, Rikuto Taira1, Yuriko Maegami2, Tai Tsuchizawa2, Noritsugu Yamamoto2, Koji Yamada2, Toshihiko Baba1 (1.Yokohama Nat'l Univ., 2.AIST)


Silicon photonics

A grating coupler with high efficient coupling between on-chip waveguides and external optical fiber was designed and fabricated. The designed grating coupler has an easy to fabricate structure which consists of half-etched grating and perforated holes. The maximum coupling efficiency was calculated to be 83.7%. The grating coupler was fabricated with 300 mm wafer, ArF immersion exposure and a two-step etching process. We were able to fabricate an almost ideal structure. The 1/e2 spot diameter and the beam divergence of the upward emitted light were 10 mm × 12 mm, 8.3°×7.2°respectively, which approximately matched the diameter of the fiber mode to be coupled.