Presentation Information

[23a-P01-2]Measurement of the Loss Constant αL in Codoped YAG Single Crystal Laser Media for Solar-Pumped Lasers for Space Solar Power Systems

〇Yukiko Suzuki1, Yohei Toriumi1, Natsuha Ochiai1, Kazuto Kashiwakura1, Toru Tanaka1, Kazuo Hasegawa2, Tomoyoshi Motohiro2,3 (1.NTT SE Lab., 2.GPI, 3.Nagoya Univ.)


laser,next-generation energy,single crystal

Since the single crystal laser medium has no grain boundaries and does not contain Si-based aids, we consider that it has potential applications in space solar power systems. In this study, in order to verify its usefulness, we compared the oscillation characteristics of Nd, Cr: YAG ceramics which oscillated by sunlight with those of single crystals grown with the same composition. As a result, the slope efficiency of ceramics was higher, and considered that the self-loss of single crystals was larger than that of ceramics. For verification, the loss constant αL at the oscillation wavelength was measured by Caird Plot using the slope efficiency when the laser medium was oscillated by an output coupler of several reflectivity, and the result showed that αL was higher in the single crystal, suggesting the possibility of loss source in the single crystal.