Presentation Information

[23a-P04-2]Performance optimization of quantum key distribution using high-dimensional time-bin entanglement

〇Takuya Ikuta1, Seiseki Akibue2, Yuya Yonezu1, Toshimori Honjo1, Hiroki Takesue1 (1.NTT BRL, 2.NTT CS Labs.)


quantum key distribution,high-dimensional quantum state,time-bin quantum state

A high-dimensional quantum state can increase a capacity of quantum key distribution. However, increasing the number of dimensions for time-bin states means an increase of the number of pulses per quantum state. This results in a decrease of the state generation rate; thus, it is nontrivial if high-dimensional time-bin states have the advantage of high communication capacity in practice. Here, we report the performance optimization of quantum key distribution using high-dimensional time-bin entanglement by considering the error due to multiple photon pairs generated in a spontaneous parametric down conversion.