Presentation Information

[23a-P07-1]First-principles electronic structure analysis of manganese thin films on sapphire

〇(M1)Koki Miyazaki1, Masao Obata1, Tatsuki Oda1 (1.Kanazawa Univ.)


magnetic Mn thin film,Mn/Al2O3 interface,first-principle calculation

It has been reported in experimental measurements that the sign of the Hall coefficient in Mn magnetic thin films reverses from positive to negative by cooling. In this study, we performed first-principles calculations in fcc-Mn extremely thin films stacked on sapphire substrates to investigate their electronic states. From the electronic structure analysis, we found that the majority-spin electron band with a large dispersion and minority-spin hole band with a small dispersion form energy surfaces in the vicinity of the Fermi level. In the presentation, we will discuss relationships of our theoretical results with the experimental one.