Presentation Information

[23p-12C-7]Stimulated Raman Spectral Imaging by Automatic Tuning of Widely Wavelength-Tunable Fiber Source

〇Kento Kamei1, Shun Takahashi2, Kenichi Oguchi2, Yasuyuki Ozeki2,3 (1.EEIC, UTokyo, 2.EEIS, UTokyo, 3.RCAST)


stimulated Raman scattering,tunable laser,microscopy

Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscope is a promising high-speed molecular vibrational spectroscopy in the fields of biology and medicine. In order to measure a broad Raman spectrum with high temporal resolution, a fast and widely wavelength-tunable light source is needed. In this report, we conducted SRS imaging with a fiber optical parametric oscillator (FOPO) which satisfies the requirements and a Ti:Sapphire laser, and report the successful measurement of a SRS spectrum through the automatic tuning of the wavelength of the FOPO.