Presentation Information

[23p-13N-3]Macroscopic High-order Harmonic Generation with Single- and Sub-Cycle Pulses

〇(P)Rambabu Rajpoot1,2, Kaito Nishimiya1,2, Eiji J. Takahashi1,2 (1.Ultrafast Coherent Soft X-ray Photonics Research Team, RAP, RIKEN, Wako, Japan, 2.Extreme Laser Science Laboratory, CPR, RIKEN, Wako, Japan)


High Harmonic Generation,Subcycle Lasers,Attosecond Pulses

Owing to the significant advancements in ultrashort laser pulse production, the generation of high-energy infrared or mid-infrared laser pulses consisting of one or fewer optical cycles has become feasible. High-order harmonic generation (HHG) is a non-perturbative nonlinear process in laser-matter interaction that has been extensively utilized as a coherent light source in XUV and soft X-ray regimes, offering attosecond temporal resolution on tabletop setups.
In this context, we provide an in-depth theoretical investigation of macroscopic HHG in helium gas illuminated by the single- and sub-cycle laser pulses. The calculated HHG spectra are quasi-continuous independent of the CEP value. Additionally, the harmonics have very good spatial coherence, and their half-divergence angles are within 0.5 mrad. These high harmonics with great spatiotemporal coherence can be utilized to generate an intense isolated attosecond pulse in the soft X-ray regime.